Cultural Chameleons

We all know people who are what I term ‘cultural chameleons’, they adjust to pretty much any new cultural environment quickly and with ease. Whether they’re traveling in a work or leisure capacity, or even…

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Cultural Intelligence – Sharing Stories

It is useful to take a moment to reflect on the CQ success stories and consider what the key principle and techniques were that led to some positive outcomes; and to consider those not so…

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The Art of Mindful Leadership

A couple of workshops and a few great articles lately have reinforced the art of mindfulness and its role in changing mind-sets. Mindfulness makes us less judgemental, more creative, more engaged and open, more productive…

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Connectivity and Cultural Intelligence

A recent IBM study ‘Leading Through Connections’ identified that the conventional way of working isn’t enough to compete in todays globally competitive environment; and that we need to respond to this new connected era. Organisations…

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The Key to Successful Global Expansions

What succeeds at home may not work overseas.  This is the claim of the chairman of an Indian company that has embarked on global expansion across 36 countries and five continents.  He maintains that often…

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Culturally Intelligent Negotiations

Last month there was a great article published in the Harvard Business Review Blog Network titled ‘Empathetic Negotiation Saved My Company’. The article explores a business agreement between an Indian supplier and a European trading…

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Multicultural Leadership – Hidden Gems

I have read a couple of articles lately – ‘The Rise Of Multicultural Managers’ by Yves Doz, ‘L’Oreal Masters Multiculturalism’ by Hae-Jung Hong and another article that discuss the many benefits that culturally intelligent leaders…

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