The First 90 Days


In this episode, Tom talks about transitioning into new roles and why the first 90 days in leadership is crucial to the success of any leader.
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The First 90 Days

  • The first 90 days are crucial to the success of any leader.
  • Research shows that the most amount of time wasted when moving on to a new role is during the transition period.
  • Leaders who are able to transition more quickly become more successful in their roles.
  • Make sure that you have a clear strategy in your department that is aligned with the overall organisational strategy.
  • Know the system you are in. Understand how things work in the organisation and in your new role.
  • All teams live in a system. In any system, you need a network. Know the people that you can reach out to. Know the people who can guide you and the people you can rely on. 
  • Organisational culture is “the way we do things here”. 
  • Know the people in your team and what they are capable of.
  • It’s important to do a reset or re-calibrate your team every 3 to 6 months. Re-calibrating the team helps you bring fresh ideas and new ways of thinking in addition to your own.
  • Look for easy wins. There’s always a lot of things that you can do as a leader that gets results done.
  • Address any uncertainty in the organisation by helping leaders transition more quickly. Make sure that you have systems and processes in place to do that.
  • Know the things that you need to let go of. Having a succession plan in place will enable you to let go more quickly when the next promotion comes along.
  • As human beings, we make transitions all the time. Appreciate the process. Be comfortable with it and learn how you can accelerate the process.

Today’s Take-away

  • Have you made transitions in the past? What was your experience?
  • If yes, how did it help you and what can you do in the future that can help you with it?

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