What Standard Will You Accept?


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom discusses the importance of setting our standards as leaders and standing up for those in order to create a positive change. 
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Setting Our Standards

  • “The standard you walk by is the standard you accept” – General David Morrison
  • We’re all trying to have a bigger impact and make a positive change and sometimes all it takes is for us to make a stand. 
  • Be present and deal with what is. Being present is a key mindset skill. 
  • Always pay attention to the things that are happening in your organisation and your team. If you are not always paying attention, these things will just pass you by. 
  • We tend to focus on things that we are comfortable with, that sometimes we may not see all the other things. Pay attention and take action even on those things that are uncomfortable. 
  • Leaders sometimes have to do things that are painful but we need to take action. We need to do something rather not do anything at all. 

Today’s Take-away Action

  • What sort of standards are you setting as a leader and how do you stand up for those?

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