

In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom reflects on his recent retreat in Bali and why it is important for leaders to take some time off and recharge.
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  • As leaders, taking some time off to recharge and keep ourselves fresh and open to new ideas is critical.
  • Recharging enables you to think about the things that you are dealing with in a completely different context and gain new perspectives.
  • Being in a completely different environment allows you to think differently. 
  • Give yourself enough time to rest and sleep. The best ideas come when you are sleeping because your subconscious is working on it.
  • Recharging enables you to reconnect, appreciate, and be grateful for the things around you. 
  • We do not need more things. We need more space.
  • Allow yourself to do a bit of detox. Turn off your electronics and spend some time in nature. You’d be surprised at the new perspectives that will come into play. Your body, your mind, and your soul will thank you for it.

Today’s Take-away Action

  • How do you recharge yourself and how often do you do it?

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