Psychological Safety


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom discusses how leaders can create and cultivate a culture of psychological safety for their teams.
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Psychological Safety

  • Psychological safety is about creating an environment where people feel safe to speak up.
  • Repercussion is one of the key reasons why people don’t speak up.
  • Encourage people to raise issues that may be uncomfortable. More so, as a leader, you need to be able to exhibit that yourself and challenge some of the systems so that people can actually see you doing it. 
  • The standard you walk by is the standard you accept.
  • Don’t just react at once when someone challenges you or says something that you disagree with because everyone will be watching your reaction. Practice curiosity. Ask questions.
  • Acknowledge people for speaking up. Acknowledge the difficulty of challenging the status quo. Thank that person for doing that.
  • Highlight these examples of speaking up and challenging the status quo of how it shifted things and made them better.
  • Close the loop. Let people know what you are going to do about the issue that was raised or what you did as a result of what they have pointed out, and more importantly if for some reason you are unable to take any action.
  • Have a healthy ego. Oftentimes when feedback is very direct in nature, it is more powerful.
  • Psychological safety increases wellness. It reduces the number of people who may suffer from anxiety or depression in an organisation. There’s a higher level of engagement and people perform better.

Today’s Take-away

  • What’s the level of psychological safety in your team?
  • Have quick conversations with your team. Ask them how comfortable they feel in bringing up things that are uncomfortable.

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