Feedback Across Cultures


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom discusses why it’s important for leaders to be always looking for opportunities to provide feedback and how they can effectively do that.
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Feedback Across Cultures

  • Feedback is necessary to all human beings. It helps us improve and lets us know that we are on track. 
  • Feedback is a critical part of development. 
  • Leaders should always be looking for opportunities to provide feedback.
  • Feedback is part of culture.
  • When working across cultures, it is important for leaders to have a range of styles when it comes to delivering feedback.
  • It is important for leaders to be aware of the different methods of providing feedback, and how they prefer to give and receive feedback. More so, it’s important for a leader to broaden his repertoire in order to be able to flex his style because at the end of the day, we all want the feedback to be effective.

The Four Different Models for Providing Feedback

  1. The Hamburger  – saying something positive then giving the negative feedback, and finishing off with something positive. This model gets people to focus not just on constructive feedback.
  2. The Meat Only – only giving the negative stuff. This model works really well in cultures where there are high values and appreciation for direct speech patterns.
  3. The Open Sandwich – starting off with the negative feedback and then finishing off with something good.
  4. The Vegetarian – Using metaphors, stories, analogies, and examples where one does not need to be so direct. 

Today’s Take-away Action

  • Assess your style of giving feedback. 
  • Try broadening your repertoire in providing feedback. What results did you get?

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