Logic vs Emotion


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom discusses logic vs emotion and why it’s important for leaders to engage with their people on a personal level to inspire them to take action and create a more inclusive workforce.
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Logic vs Emotion

  • Facts are important.
  • Logic makes people think but emotion makes people act.
  • If you want people to take action in anything, there needs to be a degree of emotion. Otherwise, people will think about it but not do it.
  • Engaging with people on a personal level inspires them to take action.
  • Engagement is important in any form of diversity work.
  • Storytelling is all about emotions. It’s being able to tell a story that others can relate to.

Today’s Take-away

  • How do you connect with people logically and emotionally? What’s the story?
  • Are you the type of leader who gives people data that is important for thinking or are you able to weave stories that can touch people’s emotions?

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