Conflict in Virtual Teams


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom talks about how leaders can effectively manage and resolve conflict in virtual teams. 
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How to Manage Conflict in Virtual Teams

  • Cultural Difference – the farther away you are from the other party, the greater the difference in culture is.
  • Time zones – be conscious of the time and make sure it is feasible for both sides.
  • It is well worth it to bring people together when working on high stakes projects. It lets you know how well everyone works together and it accelerates the project.
  • Do regular check-ins.
  • Provide cultural awareness – use organisational values as a framework when talking about cultural differences.

Today’s Take-away Action

  • Think about your virtual team and assess how well they are doing?
  • What methodology are you using to manage conflict in your virtual team?

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