

In this episode, Tom discusses why it’s important for leaders to demonstrate a sense of hardiness, especially when working across different cultures.
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  • Hardiness means being tough, resilient, and having the ability to bounce back.
  • As a leader, it’s important to really understand what your motivations are when you are looking to expand your practice beyond your borders and to really get to know the particular market you are entering which will then inform you of the strategy that you need to take. 
  • Regardless of the amount of preparation you’ve done, you are going to make mistakes because it’s impossible for you to learn everything about a particular culture. Being able to step back and dust yourself off is important.
  • Learn to admit your mistakes. Humility is an important aspect of cultural intelligence.
  • “What leaders do around the world is the same, but how they do it is determined by culture and tradition.” – Peter Drucker
  • A consultant’s role is to improve a client’s condition. What might have worked easily in your patch may not quite fit in a different culture so you need to expand your repertoire. Having the ability to utilise your knowledge within their local context is key.
  • Travel opens the mind.
  • When dealing with people who are from a different culture, remember to always maintain a level of humility, be open, and practice curiosity. 
  • Mistakes are part of the process. Jump back and get on with it. 

Today’s Take-away

  • As a leader, how do you demonstrate a sense of hardiness whilst at the same time being humble?

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