You Can’t Be What You Can’t See


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom delves deeper into the meaning of the famous quote “you can’t be what you can’t see”, and how it applies to leadership.
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You Can’t Be What You Can’t See

  • “You can’t be what you can’t see”, is all about being able to see somebody like themselves. 
  • A role model is someone who inspires others and having a role model creates tremendous possibilities.
  • As individuals, we need to be conscious of how we can become role models for others.
  • As a leader, the way you talk about yourself, the way you dress, the way you walk and talk, speak loudly about you. 
  • Leaders should encourage other people to become role models and think of ways to elevate things to become more visible. 

Today’s Take-away

  • How can you be a role model for others? 
  • How do you encourage people and bring other role models into play?

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