How Are You Perceived?


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom discusses how leaders can effectively manage and influence how they are perceived by others.
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How Are You Perceived?

  • Having a high level of self-awareness is critical in order to understand how others see you as a leader. Without self-awareness, you wouldn’t know how you are being perceived and how you can recalibrate your behaviours as a leader.
  • Be receptive to feedback. Appreciate the person who has raised the feedback even if you disagree with it.
  • Feedback is one’s personal opinion. It reflects the impact that one feels. 
  • You don’t need to agree with every feedback. You can totally disagree with it. The important thing to do is to reflect on it.
  • Being open to feedback increases self-awareness and helps improve one’s self.
  • Self-awareness is not just about being aware of yourself. It is also about paying attention to others.
  • Having some people in your team who can give you candid feedback is critical in order to understand how you are being perceived as a leader.

Today’s Take-away

  • How are you perceived as a leader?
  • Are you getting some candid feedback?

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