Hitting the Pause Button


In this episode, Tom bids a short farewell to the CQ for Global Leaders podcast and shares some of the lessons he has learned whilst doing this podcast, as well as some exciting news about his work that we should all watch out for.
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Hitting the Pause Button

  • A commitment enables you to crystalise your thinking. It enables you to reflect and pull out lessons that you can then share with others.
  • Podcasting helps you be succinct. It is also a great medium to engage in conversations.
  • Conscious ageing is all about how we transition into the different stages of our lives and realising the things that are important to us as we transition.
  • The rules that you have in the morning of your life don’t apply in the afternoon of your life. And, in the evening of your life, the things that you held true will suddenly all seem to be lies. 
  • Conscious ageing revolves around the positive aspects of ageing. It teaches us how to appreciate the benefits that come with ageing and how we can become better elders.
  • Ageing creates a space for wisdom. 
  • We spend the first half of our lives accumulating things and the second half of our lives giving them away.
  • Part of the growth and progress for yourself is also exploring different fields.

To all our listeners, thank you very much for your support over the many years. If you do have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to hear your thoughts too about how we’ve provided value to you through our podcast for the last couple of years. Thanks again and we’ll be back soon!
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