CQ Knowledge


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom discusses the second component of cultural intelligence, which is CQ Knowledge.
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CQ Knowledge
CQ Knowledge is the ability to understand how culture influences other people – how they think, how they behave, and what are the similarities and differences across cultures.
The Components of CQ Knowledge

  • Business – how well do you know about business in a particular culture to your own.
  • Language – the language of a particular culture also influences how people think.
  • Leadership – how a good leader looks like when dealing with other cultures. How do you come across with a level of authenticity to make sure your messages are heard?

10 Cultural Country Clusters with examples

  1. Anglo Cluster – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, US, UK
  2. The Arab World – Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and UAE
  3. Confucian Asian Culture – China, Japan, Singapore, Korea
  4. Eastern European Cluster – Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Poland
  5. Germanic Cluster – Austria, Belgium, Germany
  6. Latin American – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico
  7. Latin Europe – France, Italy, Portugal, Spain,
  8. Nordics – Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway,
  9. Africa (Sub-saharan Africa) – Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe
  10. South Asia – Malaysia, India, Philipines, Thailand

Today’s Take-away Action

  • How knowledgeable are you of different cultures? How well do you know the different cultural groups that you are working with?
  • How can you increase your knowledge about different cultures?

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