Building Trust as a Leader


In this episode of the CQ for Global Leaders Podcast, Tom discusses how leaders can build trust when working across cultures.
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Building Trust as a Leader

  • The Edelman Trust Barometer is an index that measures trust across the world. 
  • It is critical for us leaders to ensure that we are building trust not just within our organisation but also in the market.
  • There are 2 aspects of trust – professional trust and personal trust. 
  • One of the things that erode trust is the lack of alignment. It is critical for leaders to ensure that their team is aligned with the organisation in terms of its core values.
  • Building trust across cultures is far more challenging due to distance, time and language differences.
  • Establish frameworks that encourage open conversations. In order to build a high level of trust, it is important for leaders to demonstrate openness and vulnerability when working across cultures. 
  • Be authentic, show up and be present. Who you are is more important than what you do. 
  • There are certain cultures where leaders are expected to know everything so you need to be mindful of how much you share, how you share it, and where you share it. 
  • Be confident with yourself and your team. It requires a level of trust in others for them to able to contribute.

Today’s Take-away

  • How do you build trust in either your teams and across cultures?
  • What else can you do to increase the trust index?

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